Butler & Badou Portraits | Photography Studio Dallas, TX

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“I don’t think I can do a photosession now. I’m not beautiful enough.”

All too often we hear this as a reason to not get maternity photos. The reality is far from this! Now is actually the perfect time! Now that you are nearing the end of your pregnancy, you can look back on these pictures in the future and be glad you captured this magical moment!

We understand that most times you might not feel amazing, but the truth is far from it! This is why during your pregnancy it’s important for you to get glammed up and take these photos to remind yourself how strong and beautiful you are!

We have heard all too often that people wish they had done a session with us sooner. There will always be time for another photo session in the future once your child is born, but there isn't a way to turn back the clock and capture these first precious months of your journey of motherhood.